Our branding system is designed to harmonize, streamline, and simplify the Technion’s presentation by its various entities. We designed the system with you, the end user, in mind, and hope you and find it logical, convenient, and easy to use.
So, what exactly is the branding system?
It is a collection of Technion components that integrate according to predefined rules. The system specifies exactly where the Technion should be placed in relation to other bodies within the organization and provides a few basic rules for this purpose. Our system consists of three levels.
Our system consists of three levels.
The first level is reserved for the Technion. The basic Technion logo is a permanent component of the system. In order to optimize the system, the basic logo can be changed to allow other components to be added.

The system’s second level appears to the left of the Technion logo, separated by a vertical line, and is reserved for the name of a faculty, research center, or other second-level entity within the organization. This is how the Technion logo is applied next to the department name –

This is how the Technion logo is applied next to a Faculty name –

Second-level entities can use their logo, if they have one, as shown in the diagram. If a donor’s name is part of the faculty or center’s name it should be distinguished using a lighter font weight.

The third level is for laboratories, departments, and the like, located in faculties, centers, schools, etc. (which are the second level). These third-level entities are specified only textually (without a logo) and placed directly below the second level – aligned to the text above and separated using a horizontal line.

Implementation of the system on websites, in paperwork, and everywhere – will be done so that the entire Technion logo (including the descriptor) will be in a prominent place at the bottom of the main page (and the last page in the case of a booklet, for example).
Here are the basic principles of the system:
> Only one additional logo (besides that of the Technion)
> Up to three levels
> No more than two levels side by side
> The Technion logo will appear in its full form elsewhere in the foreground

Using the system vertically is also an option, in adherence to the following rules:
> The basic Technion logo must appear in its full form
> In this format, do not use an additional logo
> Up to three levels
> There is no need to include an additional Technion logo